Friday, May 29, 2015

Down on the Farm

We had a great time at our field trip to Kelkenberg Farms!  The weather cooperated and everyone learned a lot about all sorts of living things.
The farmer's wife, Mrs. Kelkenberg, had us all calling out to Farmer Kelkenberg and other helpers. 

It was hands on all day long starting in the poultry barn which also housed a few pot belly pigs.  The kids loved petting all of the animals. 

Everyone is feeling the warmth of the incubator.  One of the chicks hatched just before we got there and we named it after one of our own students whose birthday it was today.

Farm Helper Rhonda tells us all about the chicks, hens, roosters, ducks, turkeys, and pheasants. 

The birthday boy sports a rooster on his head!
All of us with Farmer Kelkenberg.

We had fun taking a hay ride through the fields.

We spent a little time in the BIG sandbox.

All of the children go to ride the ponies.  Click on the photo if you want to enlarge it.

We spent some time petting the barn animals.

Thank you to all of our chaperons for coming with us!

Important Dates:
June 3- Mass at 9:40
June 5- Dress Down for a Dollar for Carly's Club
June 17th - 12 Noon, class play in the old library.  Please email me to say how many of you are coming.