Saturday, January 17, 2015

Thank you MLK Jr!

Martin Luther King Jr 9365086 1 402 300x300 Whats Open, Closed on ...In SS this week we read and wrote about MLK Jr.  After learning about his "I Have a Dream" speech, each student wrote about their own dreams that would make the future a better place.  Our students dream of a world without litter, bullying, killing, or drugs.  Sounds like a great dream.

This is our door for January.

We are published!  We were so excited to receive our shipment of books.  We took the time for each student to read his/her own page to the class.  The books went home with the students on Thursday.  I hope you enjoyed reading about everyone's traditions.  If you did not order the book but would still like to, I sent home a flier with instructions on ordering directly from the publisher.

In L.A. we have been identifying the author's purpose for writing the stories we are reading (P for persuade, I for inform, and E for entertain).  On Friday the students started making their own Author's Purpose pies.  Next time you are reading together, see if your child can tell you what the author's purpose is.

Our unit in Science is weather.  We made models of three kinds of clouds- cumulus, cirrus, and stratus.  If you would like to see the Prezi I made to go along with this unit, click on link.   Weather Prezi

In Math we are working on expanded form.  ( 462= 400+60+2)   We used these cups to help us practice.  They are easy to make using Styrofoam cups.  To use, first turn the cups so they are at the number you want.  Then open the cups to see the expanded form of the number.  (see below)

These are the New Year's resolutions we started last week.

Special Dates:
1/17-1/18- Speakers will be at all area Masses to talk about DeSales.  Please have your child wear his/her uniform to Mass.
1/19- No school for MLK Jr.