Friday, March 28, 2014

This is all that's left of the Jello we made today.  It was a great way to do a quick review of phases of matter.

Almost everyone loved it!

We had another author visit this week.  Mr. Blackley wrote an anti-bullying book called It All Begins With You!.  After reading the book to us he answered questions from the students.  They had some great questions and they really enjoyed hearing his answers.

One of our students wrote a play called "Easter Bunny" and had some classmates act it out with her during snack time.  This class really loves to act!   

Our lockers are decorated with an Easter craft we made.  When I showed the class what the craft would look like one of them said, " The black is for Jesus dieing and the cross with all the colors shows that he came back to life."  I couldn't have said it better myself.

The class did a great job choosing and researching a body in space to write fun facts about.  They did a great job illustrating their planets, comets, stars, and asteroids.

We are excited about learning how to count coins this week.  Three students worked on reading the directions for this game and teaching the class how to play it.  It was a fun way to practice counting money.  Please encourage your child to practice counting money at home.  
About half of the Flat Stanleys have made it back to DeSales.  I'm sure the others will be back soon with lots of adventures to share.

Next Wednesday is our field trip to the UB CFA to see "Sid the Science Kid".  All of the chaperones should have gotten a letter and map about the trip.  Please be sure to send a bagged lunch and a snack that day as we will be eating in the classroom.