Saturday, October 5, 2013

Our First Prezi!

The class worked together to make a Prezi (online presentation, similar to a powerpoint) about the five food groups.   Go to the link below to view it.  I know the background music doesn't quite fit but I don't have any food songs in my library- yet.  When you get to the Prezi, click the arrows at the bottom of the screen to move it forward.  Keep clicking until it doesn't go to the next screen anymore.
Several students asked about making their own Prezis at home.  If you are interested you'll need to set up your own account on

     On Friday we worked on finishing up our personal narrative about the first day of school.  We also had Fun Friday centers to choose from when the writing was done.

Some of the students added to our Food Groups Prezi.
We had an ELA center making a frog puppet and then acting out a story from the book Frog and Toad Together.

These two boys are retelling the Frog and Toad story.

Some children had fun writing a story about a bat and reading it to their classmates.  After spending weeks revising and editing their personal narratives, they enjoyed just letting their creative juices flow with this center.

These girls are sharing their stories with each other.
We also played with centers that taught rhyming, vowel sounds, and blends.
These are the personal narratives the students wrote about the first day of school.  I think they did a wonderful job!

     Reminder: the Celebrate Me! project is due Monday.  We have already presented quite a few and the students really enjoy hearing about each others' special talents and interests.

   Our author for October is Laura Numeroff.  You'll find a link to her website in the list of links to the right.