Saturday, September 21, 2013

We Are Getting Into the Swing of Things

This week we read some stories about school and expectations of school.  We enjoyed the memoir by Tomie dePaola about his experiences with his art lessons in school.  This class really enjoys a good story and likes predicting what the character might do.

 In religion we learned that Holy Trinity refers to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that other words that have the letters "tri" in them often refer to 3 things.

We have started our unit on nutrition and the body with "Parts of the Ear".  Check out this link for a video we watched:
Next week we learn more about nutrition.

Keep studying those math facts.  We will have a quiz on +5's on Tuesday.

Don't forget to use the Spelling City link to practice the spelling and vocabulary words this week.  Click on Unit 1.2.