Saturday, June 1, 2013

     We finished our last writing assignment on Thursday and shared the stories with the class.  Each student wrote about one nice thing he/she has done for someone else.  You can see them below.  Remember to click on the photo if you would like to enlarge it.  Instead of illustrating the story with a drawing, I used a computer program to turn the student's photo into a coloring page.  (See the link list)  One of the new, hip teachers told me about it and I think they turned out great.  We will still be doing some writing exercises over the next two weeks to improve our writing skills.  I really encourage you to have your child write over the summer.  Even keeping a daily journal will help keep those skills sharp and ready for 3rd grade.

     We had our last session with our preschool reading buddies on Thursday.  Together we made a classroom book " I See God's Creation".  The book will be laminated and put on the shelf in the preschool room for the students to enjoy.  We had such a wonderful time with our buddies all year, we hated saying goodbye.
      In Math we reviewed triple digit subtraction and addition, telling time, and math facts.  It sure was easier the second time around!
     In Religion we have been reading about and discussing the forgiveness of God and living a holy life.  I love our discussions during religion lessons.  The children really speak from the heart and show a lot of concern for others.