This week we finished writing our "Best School Day Ever" books and presented them to the class. We had some really creative ideas for how we should spend the school day! Next week we will vote on a different idea for each subject and have a real Best School Day Ever based on the voting. We also responded to our pen pals in Maine. Most of the students brought home their letters that they received so please check the take-home folder for those. In Math we are learning to analyze the data from picture graphs, bar graphs, tally graphs, and line plots. Every Thursday we will have a math facts fluency test. Next Thursday we will test +7's. Almost everyone got 100% on the +6 timed test. To test for fluency students must complete 25 problems in 2 minutes. The students are excited that our caterpillars have arrived. As part of our science curriculum we learn about the life cycle of insects. In just a few days the caterpillars have more than doubled in size.