Morning Work: watch a movie
Math: Play Around the World with math facts and telling time. ( I also threw in a story about time)
Recess: free play and Heads Up - 7- Up
Science: We made edible slime. It wasn't much to play with but it was gooey and sweet! We also viewed a video on insects and learned about the Scientific Method (stating an hypothesis and planning experiments to prove or disprove it).
Snack: Ice cream and edible slime!
Reading: Read animal books with a buddy
I think everyone had a good time but also learned along the way.
This week we also finished our opinion writing. I know I promised photos but I left my camera at home... next week.
Our field trip is on May 30th. If you have not yet sent in a permission slip I sent another one home today.
The book report project is due on or before May 22nd.
Have a great weekend!