In reading we learned about Author's Purpose and practiced using pronouns.
In Religion we continue to learn about the Sacraments. This week we concentrated on Reconciliation. One of our classmates has already made his Reconciliation so he was able to give us the inside scoop and made everyone feel a little less nervous about it. :-)
Our Easter party will be on Friday. A room mother will be contacting parents for drinks, paper products, and treats. If anyone else would like to send a small, wrapped treat for the Easter baskets it would be appreciated. :-)
Next week we will not be using the reading series- No test, spelling, or vocabulary!! We are going to be using Reader's Theater scripts to work on sight words and fluency. We will also use Venn diagrams to compare two versions of the same fairy tale. In addition we will be practicing identifying the main idea of a paragraph.
Important Dates-
3/21/15- DeSales Auction
3/25/15- Stations of the Cross Prayer Service and Field Trip forms due
3/27/15- Easter Party at 2PM; our new canonical administrator, Fr. Josef, will be visiting each room to wish the students a Happy Easter.