Sunday, March 15, 2015


Locker Art:  The students made beautiful Easter crosses to decorate their lockers.

The students wrote delightful narratives about leprechauns and shared them with the class.

We have been getting reports back about Flat Stanley's adventures.  This week we learned that he has been to Italy and South Carolina.  I am so jealous of that little world traveler.

 Flat Stanley's adventures with one of our students. 
This photo and below show Stanley in Paris, the French Alps and Venice!!

The highlight of our week was Generation Celebration.  The students did a wonderful job on the readings and presenting the gifts.  They really enjoyed spending time with their special guests.  I tried to get around to everyone to take photos but it was so crowded that I could not find everyone before everyone left.  Enjoy the photos below and my apologies to everyone I left out.

Thank you to all of our special guests.  I know it is difficult to take the time during the middle of the day to attend. 
 This week: Teachers will be attending an in-service on Friday the 20th so our weekly reading test will be on Thursday.
Special Dates: 
Thurs. March 19th- I will be providing a special snack that day so you will not need to send one.