On 9/11 we read a wonderful book written by a group of first graders. It briefly described the events of 9/11 and then went on to describe how America was able to move ahead despite the attacks. One of our own students summed it up beautifully, "We remember that some bad people ran planes into buildings and we celebrate the heroes that helped everyone". Another student described going to NYC to see the memorial.
This week we worked hard to learn new strategies like "make-a-ten", "near doubles", and "counting on" to help with mental addition. Keep practicing those math facts at home, that's one thing that hasn't changed; it's still necessary to practice, practice, practice. Online games like mathmagician and Mathlines make that practice more fun (see the links at right).
Locker Art: Each student wrote a little bit about him/herself and drew a portrait. |
We learned that the Bible is divided into the Old Testament and New Testament and that the Psalms are in the Old Testament and the Gospels are in the New Testament.
Almost every Friday we will have Fun Friday centers. This week they included a math facts game, the book My Lucky Day at the Listening Center, short and long vowel games, and how-to-draw instructions.
We had a busy week! Thanks for working hard on the homework. Next week we will begin with our spelling and vocabulary words as well as our weekly reading test on Friday. You can find the words on the pages at right. Under the Educational Websites you can access "spelling city" to practice the words with games.
Important Dates: 9/15- STAR testing
9/18- Parent Night
9/24- School Mass