Saturday, September 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Johnny!

Friday was Johnny (Chapman) Appleseed's birthday.  We celebrated by making and eating applesauce.  Here are a few students working with the apple peeler/corer/slicer.  Some of the students wanted the recipe- 16 apples, 1c water, 3/4 c sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 16 students excited to help.  Cook for about 5 hours in crockpot on high. Yum!  We love to cook in school and it helps us with our reading and math skills.

It seems the weeks just fly right by with everything that we have to do. Language Arts takes up a good part of our day.  This week we read about friendship and learned about story structure (beginning, middle, and end).  We also finished our first big writing assignment.  It is a narrative about the first day of school.  The students did a beautiful job and have started presenting the stories in class.  Next week you can see it in my "Locker Art" photos. 

In S.S. we learned about our country's symbols through our "Studies Weekly" magazine.  I hope you and your child read it together when it comes home each week.  It is full of great information. 

We are working on subtraction in math and next week we will start on fact families.  A fact family is all of the addition and subtraction number sentences you can make with 3 numbers.  4+5=9, 5+4=9, 9-5=4, 9-4=5

Our Science this week was all about staying healthy.  We learned about food groups and germs this week as well as parts of the ear.  Most students went home Friday with a balanced "meal" on a paper plate. Next week we will learn about parts of the eye. 

The Holy Trinity was a focus this week in religion.  Ask your child what "tri-" means in Trinity and tricycle.  We are also working hard to participate in Mass by learning the responses.  Please encourage your child to follow along with the Mass when you go to church. 

Important dates: 10/3- In service day- no students
                            10/6- Picture Day and "Celebrate Me" project due
                           10/8- Field trip to "Berenstain Bears"- a bag lunch will be needed