This week we pretended it was summer and made s'mores in the microwave. We noticed that the crackers were fourths, the chocolate piece was thirds and the marshmallow was a cylinder. Math at work!
We are still learning about insects. This week we read the book Butterfly Battles. I am a big fan of the Magic School Bus series. The stories contain so much great science information.
In Religion we are reading about the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment. We try to remember to put them into practice daily.
We have started our end of year books by naming our favorite things about school and summer. It will make a wonderful keepsake.
We worked with our 5th grade reading buddies to write digital stories about our experience. I printed them off and sent them home this week. Please ask your student if you have not seen it yet.
We are looking forward to hosting our parents and special friends at our end of year plays on June 18th from 9:30-10. Please let me know if you will be coming. The plays are really student-driven. They designed the backdrops and they are bringing in things for props and costumes. Thank you for helping with this. If you did not receive an email about the plays, please let me know. It means that I have the wrong email address for you. One of our students shared his talent by playing Amazing Grace for us on his guitar. Enjoy the beautiful weekend!