Be sure to click on the speaker icon so you can hear the story read.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Snow Days!
It was a short but productive week! We managed to get almost all of the digital stories done that we've been working on for weeks. Most of you should have received the digital story by email but there were a few technical glitches which I will try to work out this week. I hope you enjoyed them, it was a fun process. The students especially enjoyed hearing their recording of the story. I can't cut and paste an example for you but if you go to the link below you can view one of the stories. A snow story
Be sure to click on the speaker icon so you can hear the story read.
This week we'll be reading and writing about MLK Jr. and continuing our unit on weather.
The last week in January is Catholic Schools Week. It is a spirit-filled week that ends in a pep rally. We will not follow the regular reading series but we will be working on lots of reading and writing. I have a few guest presenters lined up for that week so it should be fun.
Be sure to click on the speaker icon so you can hear the story read.