Thursday, December 26, 2013

This week it is the students' turn to blog. Below is their writing about some of their favorite activities and places at DeSales.

The best laid plans... don't always work out when there is technology involved!  The students all wrote about different activities we do at DeSales and it should have been posted last week but the internet was down at DeSales and the weather caused an electrical delay so I am just getting this up.  The writing is a collaborative effort involving the whole class.  They really enjoyed being "reporters" so we will probably do it again soon.  Since this was a new way to write, we tried not to edit too much.  I liked letting the children's "voices" show through in their writing.   And now for the students' writing:

Monday Morning Meeting is fun.  At Christmas we sing Christmas songs and we talk about kind stuff to do for other people.  We learn not to bully.  Morning message is a fun way to have conversations with each other.  You do tons of singing and dancing.  All of these teachers have something new to say every year for us to learn and, by the way, there is a can for any kind of change you have left over.
Music is the coolest thing.  We do instruments.  We do funny things and the parachute.  Sometimes we watch a movie if we are good.  One time the music made me laugh.  I picked Music to write about because I love to sing songs.  In Music we once got to play the drums.  We also get special awards for good behavior.  This is what happens if the class is good; we earn a star.  When we get 30 stars we get to sit next to a friend. Sometimes we sing a song about puppets.  I love music.

I like gym.  Gym is fun.  We play Grinch Tag and basketball.  I like Gym, it is fun.  PE is my favorite special ever.  It is fun.  You get hot and sweaty.  We play games.  Our teacher is Mr. Wilson.  He is fun.  He lets us play Dodgeball.  I like P.E because you get to run and it is fun.  You get to play fun games. 

I picked the library for my favorite place in the school.  It is fun because you can pick out books.  The library teacher is Mrs. Deeks. Library is very fun.  We get 2 books.  the teacher tells us a story.  Sometimes we get candy canes.  Library is the best!
In Technology we do fun games and we do writing.  We read about countries and continents.  We play math games.  I like playing games and creating a car. I like Tech.

Art has always been a favorite thing of mine to do.  I have been doing art since I have been little.  I like to draw and make objects out of paper.  My two favorite drawings were my "Fingers" and "Jungle" pictures.  I even had my projects hanging up in the Market Street Art Gallery and in a restaurant.  This is why Art is my favorite.     I love Art!  That's why I picked it.  I liked the gumball machine we did.  Art is my favorite.  The best part about Art is Mrs. Kruse.  Art is the best class ever!  I like Art because it is fun, but not just fun, it is so cool at Art.  In all of the grades they make stuff.  We are making a tree of life.  It is hard but it is so, so, so, so, fun!                                                
I love playing in the snow at school.  One day when I was playing outside in the snow, I fell on a pile and slid down it.  I did not get hurt, it was fun.  I can't wait to go out again.  I like snow recess because I like going down the slide and bumping into the snow pile.

Sr. Mary is a  Headsprout teacher.  She helps us read our books.  I will help Sr. Mary when she needs it.  Sr. Mary is a very helpful lady.  Sr. Mary was a good teacher for all of us.  I went through 80 Headsprout reading levels.  Sr. Mary and I are best friends.  At the end, Sr. Mary gave us a chapter book.  I love Sr. Mary.  Sr. Mary is the best teacher in the school.   Dear Sr. Mary, thank you for teaching me Headsprout and helping us and making us good readers and being nice and kind and helping us spell words.  (It is very sad for all of us that Sr. Mary is no longer at DeSales- she will be missed.)

I hope you enjoyed the students' writing.  Here are a few more photos from our activities.  Above, the middle schoolers came around to carol to all of the classes.

We loved presenting our traditions to the class.  Some of the children are showing items that they brought in to talk about.

The students did a great job on their sandwich book reports.  This class loves reading!    Thank you again for all of the lovely gifts, you were very generous.  Enjoy your vacation!