The week's events:
Reading: We worked on main idea and details this week. Main idea has proved to be a difficult concept for some so we will continue working on it next week. We also started to explore a fun new app on the ipads called Puppet Theater.
The students are looking forward to writing and recording their own plays using this app.
Math: The students are doing great learning how to tell time. The hard part is learning all of the different names for the same time (8:15= quarter after 8= 15 minutes after 8). It gets confusing! :-)
The second grade joined the rest of the school today in honoring Jared Forsyth, the police officer from Lockport who lost his life while on duty. We stood in front of the school as the funeral procession went by. It was obviously appreciated, as many people rolled their windows down and waved to the children.
Important dates:
April 18- Father/daughter dance
May 11- book report due