We will not make up the reading test that was missed on Friday. See the vocab/spelling pages for the new words for the week we get back.
This week's skills and concepts:
Reading: cause and effect and helping verbs; we also started a new Flat Stanley book and read books by the author who will be visiting DeSales in March, Cynthia Cotten. Click on this link to find more about her: cotten
Math : the students are doing great with mental math and adding three digit numbers. It's all starting to fit together!
Religion: We concentrated on Baptism this week. The children read aloud their Baptism interviews. We talked about the celebrations that welcomed them into their churches.
Science: we learned about Arctic animals and set up an evaporation experiment, see below.
In less than a week about 1/2 cup evaporated! |
Enjoy the Winter Break!
Important Dates:
2/23- Flat Stanley, journal, stamps, and address due back to school
and Valentine party
2/25- Mass 9:40
3/5- Family Reading Night at DeSales