Friday, January 9, 2015

A Two Day Work Week!

We obviously didn't get a lot done this week, but there are a few things I'd like to share with you.

I saw this on Pinterest and had to try it.  The students thought it was very cool and wanted me to post the instructions: put a few drops of food coloring in a balloon and then fill it with water and tie it up.  Freeze it and then pull the balloon off.  Each ice ball will probably look different.  I asked DeSales' science teacher, Mr. Welt, why it looks like this and he explained that the outside froze very quickly and pushed all of the air bubbles to the inside to make the blue "tree" shape.  If anyone tries it at home I would be happy to post your results. 
 ELA: On Monday we took some time to sit in a circle, nibble on candy canes, and we each told about something from Christmas break.  It was a nice way to start back and give everyone a chance to speak.  We also started writing about out New Year's resolutions.  We will finish that up next week. 
Math: We reviewed for the chapter 4 test and the review sheets were sent home.  The test is postponed until Monday.

We will not try to make up last week's reading or spelling test.  Since we have a test every week, I have enough assessments to use for grading purposes and it doesn't make sense to try to squeeze in the test.
Important Dates:
1/12 and 1/13- STAR testing- please be sure your child has enough sleep and a good breakfast
1/14- Mass- 9:40
Enjoy the (long) weekend!