There was so much going on this week! I hope everyone received and read our "bread book" that we finished up this week. The students really love hearing themselves read.
The last two weekends have been Maple Weekend in Niagara County. A few students told me they went to the local maple farms to get their syrup but I like to bring in sap and syrup every year for the students to try. They are always surprised that the syrup looks and tastes so much like water and that it takes 40 cups of sap to make 1 cup of syrup!
We had a lot of fun on Wednesday going to UB to see Sid the Science Kid. We learned a lot about our 5 senses and the factors that enable us to experience our world through our senses. As always, the students were well behaved, I am very proud of them. Thank you to the many chaperones who came and helped out!
It was a packed house but UB always does such a nice job organizing our arrivals and departures. We are sending a thank you note from the students to express our thanks for giving us a free bus every year. |
Each year a friend of mine who is a member of Niagara County Farm Bureau comes in for Agriculture in the Classroom week to read a book and talk to the students about farming and agriculture. Below is a photo of Mr. Emerson reading Who Grew My Soup? The book has been donated to our library for the students to enjoy. Below is also a link to the Kid's Zone of the Agriculture in the Classroom website.
The students have been researching planets, stars, comets, etc. and learning to take notes. We put some of those research notes on a Prezi to present to the class. Click on the link to go to the Prezi. Advance the presentation with the arrows at the bottom of the page. Space Prezi
Next week we will NOT be using our reading series. There are no spelling or vocabulary words and no reading test. We will spend the time on reading and writing projects as well as concentrating on some math concepts. We are fast approaching the final quarter and we need to get those math facts down. Please continue to study every night at home. The students need to know their facts fluently without using a number line or fingers.