It's All About the Reading
Our short week emphasized reading. We had the author Kate Messner presentation on Monday. She told us all about her writing process which included brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing; all of the things WE do! The students were amazed to hear it takes her 4-6 months to just come up with a rough draft.
We also met with both our 5th grade and our Pre-K reading buddies. Some of the buddies worked on digital writing together.
We plan on doing more of that next month. Next week we look forward to author Kevin Blackley's presentation.
The class did a great job learning to add and subtract 3 digit numbers. We will continue to revisit those skills until the end of the year but our next unit is Money. It would be very helpful for your child to practice counting mixed coins at home. Also, please continue to practice math facts. Our current addend is +9 and we will have a test on it this week. Most of the students understand the trick of taking one away from the 1st addend to make a 10 so it is an easy one to study for. By the end of 2nd grade the students are expected to know their math facts fluently (without using fingers to count.) Don't forget to use the mathmagician link for practice.
We will continue to read about and do activities for Easter, the holiest celebration of the church. Your children have so much to say about the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and they understand the meaning of Lent.
Everyone should have received an email from me with a link to our latest digital story, Who Will Help Me Make the Bread? If you did not, please let me know.