Friday, February 7, 2014

Flat Stanley!

I hope Stanley arrived safely at your home today.  Enjoy some adventures with him over the weekend and be sure to write about it in the journal.  We will share some of the entries with the class next week.  Stanley has been all over the world.  Visit the official website to see photos of Stanley in Egypt, India, almost anywhere you can think of! Flat Stanley Site

We had fun making (and eating) Rice Krispie Treats this week.  They were supposed to be a January treat but we ran out of time. Go to this link for the recipe:  Rice Krispie Treats

What a great few weeks to talk about weather!  We have finished our unit but we'll still be checking the weather sites and reading weather books.  For a fun activity visit the snowflake site to make your own virtual snowflake.  Make a snowflake.

One of my former students (now a fifth grader) came in to read The Mitten by Jan Brett.  We love to have visitors!

I sent away for some fun items from the "Think Breakfast" program.  The program promotes healthy eating and exercising.  We received a workbook, erasers, stickers, and a pedometer which went home with the students today.  I hope they do a lot of walking this weekend.

I just had to share a photo of some cupcakes a birthday girl brought in today.  Maybe it's because my grandson loves minions, but I think they are adorable!