Friday, October 11, 2013

2, 4, 6, 8,.....

As you know, we have been skip counting this past week.  The cool thing is, many of the students wanted to learn how to multiply in second grade and repeated addition (2+2+2+2),  is the basis for multiplication.  So if you noticed multiplication number sentences being written on the homework, that's great!

      We had a special Mass today for the inductees to DeSales Hall of Fame.  The students made the honorees feel very welcome with their enthusiastic cheers.  Go to this address to read more:

 In Writing this week we have started a descriptive writing piece about a friend.  We first did a character web and then a first draft.  Next week we will add adjectives to make our writing come alive.  

 Our Weekly Reader this week provided an opportunity to learn about Christopher Columbus.  Please consider reading over the Weekly Readers with your child as they come home.  They are full of information and they line up perfectly with the Common Core Standards for second grade.  We use the online resource to read the issue, watch a short video, and do activities.  The kids love it!  For the time being it is open to anyone at:
Just click on the issue you want to read and go to the online resources.  In the future it may need a password so enjoy it while you can! 

     The students did a great job on the Celebrate Me! project.  We all enjoyed listening to the presentations.  I took photos but left my camera at school so they will have to wait until I get back.
     I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.  We'll see you on Tuesday. :-)