No Pressure!
Boy, have we had fun this week. Your children LOVE to act! With no reading series to follow it's been fun working on other things. We have been practicing to perform our Fractured Fairytales plays next week. We also worked on props and scenery. You should have heard the buzz in our hallway this morning as both second grade classes worked on scenery! If you are coming to the play on the 13th, please email me or send in a note stating how many seats you will need.
In S.S. we used a Venn diagram to compare cities from long ago to cities of today. We also viewed a power point about Lockport and the Erie Canal. You may have seen the notes they took come home in their folders.
The children really are interested in the history of Lockport. I encourage everyone to visit the Discovery Center, Historical Museum, and Canal Cruises this summer. Click on link to see more.
We continue to practice our math facts with Math War, Chips, Dominoes, and flashcard games. They are low tech ways to practice facts that are just as fun as the computer games. Ask your child to teach you how to play.
There has been a change in the Mass schedule. The last Mass of the year will be on Monday, June 17th, at 9:40 instead of Wed.