On Thursday we set the butterflies free to enjoy their brief life and maybe even continue the life cycle by laying their own eggs.
We were excited to have our last Reading and Math test this week. There will be no more vocabulary or spelling words to study :-) . We will still have our math facts quizzes but we have finished our math series so there are no more chapter tests. We will still have plenty of work reviewing math concepts already learned such as: counting coins, time, triple digit addition and subtraction, and word problems. These skills get rusty without practice and we want to solidify the processes before leaving second grade.
We will continue to have Reading with a mix of teacher selected texts and student chosen books. Next week we will start practicing our end of year plays. It is quite a project, as the students create all the backdrops and simple costumes. They come up with the ideas themselves and make whatever they feel we need to present the play. During the last weeks of school we perform the plays for other classes. I will let parents know when the performance is scheduled in case you would like to join us.