We had a great first week back from vacation! The students came back ready to work and we got a lot done.
As you know we've started our "Measurement Unit" in Math and the kids have had a lot of fun measuring items in the classroom. We are getting pretty good at converting yards into feet and inches.
We are in the process of revising the writing that we started on Monday describing a day during our Easter vacation. We are working on making our writing more exciting to read by adding adjectives.
We had some fun making "fortune tellers" yesterday. It's a skill every kid should know. :-) It also promotes following directions, fine motor skills, and language skills!
Our Fun Friday centers included a game to practice telling time, math facts practice, a Weekly Reader for Earth Day, a book called More Pies! by Robert Munsch at the listening center, and an information center about Space.
Next Friday, the 19th, there will be a dress down day for Cystic Fibrosis. One of our own classmates initiated the fund raiser with her parents. Please show her our love and support by participating in this event. Enjoy your weekend!