One of our student's siblings came in to show us how to make snowflakes. The kids took right off with it and many kept making them right through recess. You can see some of their creations below. You can see some of the real flakes falling in the background!
We also had a visit from Mrs. Shipley's pre-schoolers for Reading Buddy Time. It was wonderful seeing our second graders working with them. Mrs. Shipley and I are always amazed at how seriously they take their job and how considerate they are with their little friends. Mrs. Shipley has a mailbox in front of her room for letters to her students. We have plans to write to our buddies next week and drop the letters in the "mail". See photos below of some of us with our reading buddies.
Yesterday was the 100th Day of School! The kids were thrilled to see a streamer banner decorating our doorway. It was fun to walk through it all day. We also worked on rewriting questions to form complete answers with a "100 Days of School" booklet and we performed a short play, "The 100th Day Mystery". It was a day of fun and hard work.
Have a great weekend!