We also had fun learning about Mexico. We learned that burritos and quesadillas are often served at Christmas and tin ornaments like the one pictured are hung on the tree. We made our own tin ornaments and a mini book about Mexican life which went home today.
During centers today we practiced math facts with "Mathmagician", listened to Hedgie's Surprise ( a book written by Jan Brett, our author of the month), and made the Mexican souvenirs. Another center was a puzzle center. There were two 100-piece puzzles that the children worked together on. I was surprised at how quickly they went together. I posted the pictures below.
Next week we won't have any spelling or vocabulary words and no reading test. There is a math test on Tuesday. We will do the review pages on Monday and then send them home to study. Also on Tuesday children will be asked to talk about one special tradition they do at Christmas. They can bring in something to show that corresponds with that tradition as well.
The children had so much fun working together on these puzzles. Merry Christmas! |