We had a wonderful celebration today. We played board games, read Christmas stories, watched a movie, played "Pass the Candy Cane", and enjoyed a snack together. The photos below were taken during our game hour.
Thank you again for your gifts. You were very generous and considerate to think of me. I wish I could show the photo calendar to everyone. It will be hanging up at school so if you come by, take a peek. Merry Christmas everyone!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Christmas parties had to be scheduled after 2:15 according to school policy so we will have our treat when we come back from our special. Christmas Mass begins at 9AM on Friday- everyone is welcome!
Though we didn't use our reading series this week, we were very busy. We had a great time making our Christmas gifts- I hope you loved them. We also wrote the Christmas Story in our own words- I think the students did a wonderful job. They will be sent home on Friday for you to enjoy. We've started comparing and working with 3 digit numbers and the students are doing a great job with that. Tomorrow we will delve into fractions by frosting graham crackers one quarter at a time.
I wish you all a very blessed Christmas.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
What a wonderful time we had listening to each other's traditions. We heard about an Elf on Shelf, advent boxes, special ornaments, gingerbread houses, special Christmas photos, reindeer food (that was yummy!), and even pasta making!
We had a visit from Sr. Lori, one of the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur. We have been learning about the Sisters coming to Lockport and establishing Catholic Education here. Sr. Lori was very entertaining and the students learned that she had to promise to live in poverty and spend her life serving others. The students asked her all kinds of questions. I hope they came home and told you all about her visit.
We had a visit from Sr. Lori, one of the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur. We have been learning about the Sisters coming to Lockport and establishing Catholic Education here. Sr. Lori was very entertaining and the students learned that she had to promise to live in poverty and spend her life serving others. The students asked her all kinds of questions. I hope they came home and told you all about her visit.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Around the World

We also had fun learning about Mexico. We learned that burritos and quesadillas are often served at Christmas and tin ornaments like the one pictured are hung on the tree. We made our own tin ornaments and a mini book about Mexican life which went home today.
During centers today we practiced math facts with "Mathmagician", listened to Hedgie's Surprise ( a book written by Jan Brett, our author of the month), and made the Mexican souvenirs. Another center was a puzzle center. There were two 100-piece puzzles that the children worked together on. I was surprised at how quickly they went together. I posted the pictures below.
Next week we won't have any spelling or vocabulary words and no reading test. There is a math test on Tuesday. We will do the review pages on Monday and then send them home to study. Also on Tuesday children will be asked to talk about one special tradition they do at Christmas. They can bring in something to show that corresponds with that tradition as well.
The children had so much fun working together on these puzzles. Merry Christmas! |
Friday, December 7, 2012
We had a wonderfully inspiring assembly on Thursday with the Rachel's Challenge program. The students were challenged to become more compassionate and kind to others, especially people who may not have the support of a lot of friends. As part of the program we participated in a service project making blankets for families who are less fortunate. I think everyone got a lot out of the activity.
I read a picture book this week called The Christmas Miracle of Jonathon Toomey. It was a heartwarming story of how a man was changed for the better through the kindness of a mother and her little boy. It is a book I would highly recommend for any family's library.
We started our Christmas Around the World "tour" by making a booklet of the countries we will be "visiting". Over the next two weeks we will learn about traditions in Iceland, Mexico, Italy, and England. We will make traditional decorations, color flags, and view websites and photos of each of the countries to learn what their customs are like. Please look for these "souvenirs as they come home and ask your child about their "trip".
Our Author of the Month for December is Jan Brett. Her interesting story lines and detailed illustrations have made her a favorite, especially at this time of year. She has written many books with winter themes like The Hat, The Mitten, and The Wild Christmas Reindeer. With all of the Christmas stories that we enjoy reading at this time of year, it is hard to find time to fit her stories in so she will be our author for both this month and next.
We are in the middle of exploring triple digit numbers in math. Everyone seems to be picking it up pretty well but I think more practice is needed to fully understand "expanded form" and "place value". Remember that you have access to the math program through "online students' math book" on the links if you feel your child could use some extra help.
We will start our third unit of reading on Monday. Please watch for the spelling/vocabulary index coming home as well as the study guide. You can also access both from this blog site if needs be.
I am having fun celebrating this Christmas season with your children with a mix of religious and secular (Santa!) stories and activities. I can't think of a better way to enjoy the excitement of the season!
I read a picture book this week called The Christmas Miracle of Jonathon Toomey. It was a heartwarming story of how a man was changed for the better through the kindness of a mother and her little boy. It is a book I would highly recommend for any family's library.
We are in the middle of exploring triple digit numbers in math. Everyone seems to be picking it up pretty well but I think more practice is needed to fully understand "expanded form" and "place value". Remember that you have access to the math program through "online students' math book" on the links if you feel your child could use some extra help.
We will start our third unit of reading on Monday. Please watch for the spelling/vocabulary index coming home as well as the study guide. You can also access both from this blog site if needs be.
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