Thursday, November 8, 2012

Voting and Indoor Recess

On Election Day we voted for the lunch menu to be served on Nov. 15th.  The choices were: Bacon Cheeseburger, Curly Fries, and Top Your Own Sundae or Nachos, Rice, and Funnel Cake.  The first lunch won.

During a recent indoor recess I took photos so you to see some of the activities we like to do.  Above students are playing "Guess Who?"

Some students bring in things to play with and share.

They enjoy building a marble chute together.

Some decide to read or draw.

       This week we spent some extra time learning how to carefully rewrite horizontal double digit number problems into vertical ones so that we did not mix up the columns.  We practiced double digit addition and learned double digit subtraction with regrouping.  What's next?  The hundreds!