This was a fun and busy week! We enjoyed a visit from our 5th grade reading buddies on Thursday. There is nothing like watching a whole classroom of students reading together with total concentration. Some of the buddies went down to Miss Barmasse's room and I took photos of the ones that stayed with me (see below). Next month we will switch it up.
We've spent a lot of time this week getting comfortable with our new Daily Five program. I wrote about it in our September newsletter. Ask your child how we are building up our stamina!
.Most Fridays we enjoy working on group centers. Today we started making a scarecrow, listened to a book on tape, put together puzzles of the United States, practiced spelling with Boggle, and practiced our math facts that have a sum of 10 using the mathlines website (see our links list).
We are also spending time learning to be a team. The students decided to call our class The Golden Rule Kids and we are working on treating each other with kindness and respect. Please continue to talk to your child about treating others as they want to be treated. and ask them if they have done any acts of kindness this week. Enjoy the weekend together!